april, 2025
Event Details
The Buddhist path cultivates four powerful and transformative qualities: kindness, compassion, joy, and balance. These qualities are innate human capacities, and can be developed into steadfast dwelling places for the
Event Details
The Buddhist path cultivates four powerful and transformative qualities: kindness, compassion, joy, and balance. These qualities are innate human capacities, and can be developed into steadfast dwelling places for the heart. Known as the brahmavihāras, or “sublime homes,” these states can serve as powerful supports both for deepening concentration and insight on the contemplative path and for responding to suffering in these troubled times. In this silent meditation retreat, we will explore techniques to develop each of the four sublime states, and to release the obstacles that hinder us from living a full life and responding meaningfully to the needs of our world. Our time together will include silent and guided sitting meditation, walking meditation, Dharma talks, instructions, Q&A and small group meetings with the teachers. This retreat is appropriate for both beginning and more experienced meditators.
This retreat is silent except for teacher-led Q&A, small groups, or other practice meetings.
april 1 (Tuesday) - 8 (Tuesday)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Spirit Rock